Saturday, July 13, 2013

First character done

Micheal and I just hashed out his character. The mechanical details are available to look at here.

The big deal here was that we concluded an enhanced skill pyramid is really hard to balance, and instead started Sergei off with a normal skill pyramid, then added significant milestones until he was as competent as Micheal wanted him to be.

I'm going to do that with all characters who should be inhumanly skilled, since it's easier to balance than offering huge skill inflation to characters with more normal skill competency, like Liz's, Chad's or Kat's. I think this will mostly be relevant for Tim and Ben.

Also, I only had 3 character sheets: Micheal, Liz and Chad, all of which I typed up on Google Drive and shared in the hope of completing.

If we're unable to hash out characters before the first session, that's okay. I think I have enough material to roll with it anyway.  Metaplot is emerging.

Unrelated note: Pacific Rim was totally sweet. Go see it! Go now! :)

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